deQ: AMA

deQ: AMA (Academics Management Application) is a suite of applications that will help academic institutions to automate all their academic, administrative and financial operations. It covers the basic activities of an HEI, with modules such as Student Intake, Fees, Timetable, Calendar, Attendance, Internal Examinations, A/B Forms and other Reports, Issue of Certificates etc.

The application has web and mobile interfaces.

Presently, the Academics Management Application module in deQ contains the following submodules:

  • Student Enrolment: Provision to create various batches and enrol students into the batches. Convenient options to group multiple batches together.
  • Fees Management: Provision to set various types of fees, define exemptions and discounts for specific groups of students. Options for cash/cheque payments and bank challan are available. Online payment may be integrated additionally based on requirements.
  • Calendar and Timetable: The events and academic calendar of the HEI may be mapped into the built-in calendar. Timetable for each batch may be configured to facilitate attendance marking.
  • Attendance: Options to easily mark attendance or absence. Provisions for Medical and Duty leaves. Relevant views and reports for students and teachers.
  • Internal Assessment Scoring: Assessment methods like Exams, Assignments, Projects, Seminars etc can be defined and marks for the same can be entered on a per-student basis.
  • Reports: Other modular level reports and consolidated reports required for internal and external use can be generated.

Many of the related modules such as Academic Performance Indicators (API), Leave Management, Alumni, Feedback System, Student Behaviour Tracking and Analytics etc are under development.