Delhi University’s most important decision-making body ‘Executive Council’ on Tuesday gave its nod to the four-year undergraduate course. The nod was given even as members of the Council registered their protest during the meeting. [...]
Seventy-five years of India’s independence is also a good time for an assessment of the nation’s educational structures, pedagogy and impact. The making of the New Education Policy, 2020, deep delved into this critical question[...]
The Karnataka government is all set to become the first state in the country to begin the implementation of the National Educational Policy (NEP) 2020 with Ashwathnarayan, the Higher Education Minister in the state, announcing[...]
QnSmart, the innovative OBE- enabled Automated Question Paper Generation & Question Bank management system was introduced at St. Agnes Mangalore earlier this year as St. Agnes College (Autonomous), Mangaluru, one of[...]