Customer Success Spotlight: RVS College, Coimbatore

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Customer Success Spotlight: RVS College, Coimbatore

May-10-2023, Articles

A journey begins.

In 2019, just before the pandemic started, we were contacted by RVS College regarding OBE implementation. That’s how our relationship with our latest QnSmart i customer began. Our deep expertise, our research insights, and our dedication and focus on helping colleges and universities get geared for today’s education landscape convinced RVS College to try out our QnSmart i. Our frequent interaction with them convinced them that we could help them achieve their goals in a sustainable and holistic manner.

About RVS
RVS College of Arts and Science, affiliated to Bharathiar University, Coimbatore, founded in 1986, offers career-oriented Bachelors, Masters and Research degrees in various streams like Computer Science, Electronics, Management, Commerce, English Literature, Mathematics and Life Sciences. The college was accorded autonomous status in 2004 by UGC and re-accredited in 2014 with an ‘A’ grade, and further reaccredited in 2023 with an A+ Grade.

The Need: OBE Implementation
One of the critical criteria in accreditation is the quality of the assessments conducted by the institution. The college had to ensure that the questions asked in assessments were of high quality and mapped to the desired learning outcomes. However, the lack of a comprehensive system to manage the question bank and generate question papers made it challenging for the college to ensure the quality of assessments. 

In April 2023, the college decided to implement QnSmart i, a software solution provided by ipsr solutions limited. QnSmart i is a smart, quality-centered, and easy-to-use Question Bank Management and Question Paper Generation software, crafted by academicians and IT professionals. QnSmart i focuses on Outcome Based Education (OBE), criteria-referenced quality control, best practices, and cost savings for colleges as well as universities.

QnSmart i helps HEIs create CO-mapped questions which is the first step in OBE implementation. Once this is fully implemented the next step would be the implementation of DeQ OBE, a quality tool for attainment calculation from IPSR thus bringing their processes to full cycle. 

We speak the same language.

As academicians who walk the talk, we fully understand the pain points our clients face when it comes to aligning with the constant changes that accompany accreditation, NEP goals, OBE implementations, assessment challenges, and resource constraints. Our experts, Dr Mendus Jacob and Dr Sunil Job stayed connected with our partner college right from the initial discussions to the process discovery workshops, which were eye openers for the faculty members. We drew our energy from the vibrant interactions with RVS faculty during these workshops and transferred their needs to our implementation team. 

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QnSmart i Implementation

The implementation of QnSmart i was a straightforward process, and the college was able to implement the software within a few weeks. The software was customized to meet the specific needs of the college and integrated with the existing systems to ensure seamless data flow.

QnSmart i Benefits

QnSmart i helped the college streamline the question bank management and question paper generation processes and provide a single platform to manage all the requirements. The software helped the college to:

  1. Map questions to outcomes: It helped the college map questions to desired learning outcomes using the in-built Bloom’s Taxonomy Model, which provided a structured approach to designing assessment strategies.
  2. Ensure quality of assessments: It helped the college ensure the quality of assessments by providing a question bank that contained questions mapped to outcomes. The software helped the college generate question papers that were aligned with the desired learning outcomes.
  3. Audit outcome distribution: It helped the college audit the distribution of outcomes in question papers visually through its dashboard that shows the outcome distribution in question papers..
  4. Improve efficiency: It helped the college improve efficiency and reduce the time required to manage the question bank and generate question papers. The software provided a structured approach that helped the college complete the process within the given timeline.

The Solution:QnSmart i

QnSmart i provided a comprehensive solution to manage the question bank and question paper generation processes and helped RVS College of Arts and Science streamline the processes and ensure the quality of assessments. The software is helping the college map questions to outcomes, ensure the quality of assessments, audit outcome distribution, and improve efficiency. The successful implementation of QnSmart i provided a solid foundation for their OBE journey, and the soon-to-be followed deQ OBE implementation will ensure their continued growth and success.


Smitha Thomas Head PR and Communication A Seasoned Editor, Writer and Trainer with strong Researching Skills, Great enthusiasm for Academic Trends and Significant Achievements in Corporate Communications and Publishing

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