

How to Prepare An OBE Manual For Your HEI

The educational system of India over the ages have experienced tremendous transformation in its approach and priorities. India’s permanent signatory membership in WA (an international agreement among nations to mutually recognize and accept the qualification accredited by signatories of the countries nations) mandates the adoption of OBE approach at Higher Technical Education system. Outcome-based education […]


How to frame questions at higher levels of cognitive domain? Bloom’s Taxonomy – Part 2

Learn to frame questions in the higher orders of Bloom’s Taxonomy - Evaluating and Creating. The third part of the Bloom's Taxonomy video series by IPSR AcademiX, is highly helpful to HEI educators is visualising curriculum design for higher education in new perspectives.


How to frame questions at variant levels of cognitive domain? Bloom’s Taxonomy – Part 2

Second part of the Bloom's Taxonomy video series by IPSR AcademiX. Dr. Sunil Job helps HEI educators to frame questions in the base levels of Bloom’s Taxonomy. Learn how to apply the concepts of Bloom’s Taxonomy for better curriculum design, improvised teaching-learning process as well as effective evaluation design.