Understanding India: NEP-aligned Short Term courses on Indian Heritage and Culture

Short Term courses

Understanding India: NEP-aligned Short Term courses on Indian Heritage and Culture

Apr-10-2023, Articles

Understanding India: NEP-aligned Short Term courses on Indian Heritage and Culture

India is a land of rich heritage and culture, and the University Grants Commission (UGC) has proposed introducing courses that showcase this diversity to attract international students. The UGC has issued draft guidelines for higher educational institutions to offer short-term modular programs on various aspects of Indian culture, including Vedic mathematics, yoga, ayurveda, Sanskrit, Indian literature, sculpture, music, dance forms, and more.

The Indian Heritage and Culture courses

These programs will be credit-based and multi-tiered, allowing participants to enter and exit at various stages. The course offerings will encompass a wide range of topics, such as Universal Human Values, Vedic Maths, Yoga, Ayurveda, Sanskrit, Indian Languages, various religious sites and monuments located in the Indian subcontinent, Indian Literature, Indian Sculpture, Indian Music and Dance Forms, Drama, Visual Arts, Performing Arts, Crafts and Craftsmanship, Inscriptions, Rituals, Cultural Heritage, and the Indian Knowledge System, among others. 

Teaching-Learning Medium and Techniques

Different teaching-learning mediums and techniques will be used to maximise student engagement and enhance the learning experience. They are:

  • Lecture (online/ offline mode) 
  • Audio Video
  • Special Lecture
  • Focused group discussion 
  • Practical session
  • Excursion 
  • Stage performance
  • Counselling and guidance

The course can be completely designed by the HEI as per UGC guidelines. For example, under Indian Music and Dance Forms, a course on Sopana Sangeetham, a music form unique to Kerala, can be offered by a college in Kerala, as it would be giving this music its due recognition.Course curricula can include its origins, history, artists, instruments, traditions, and rules, including all these teaching-learning methods.

Faculty members of various Departments will be roped in to teach this kind of multi and transdisciplinary programmes. The libraries, institutions and experts of the relevant disciplines are to be included in the excursion. 

The guidelines also state that these courses will be taught by faculty members from various departments and that the excursion will include libraries, institutions, and experts from relevant disciplines.

Suggested Courses

  1. Indian culture 
  2. Indian Ethics (values) 
  3. Ayurveda 
  4. Yoga 
  5. Indian philosophy 
  6. Indian Music 
  7. Indian dance 
  8. Indian percussion and Vocal music 
  9. Holy geographical regions of India 
  10. Archaeological sites of India 
  11. Indian Arts and Architecture 
  12. Cultural heritage of India 
  13. Indian folklore- Narrative convention 
  14. Indian stage 
  15. Indian drama (Natyakala) / Sanskrit drama 
  16. Indian inscription 
  17. Indian manuscript system 
  18. Indian script 
  19. Indian rituals 
  20. Indian food and fashion 
  21. Sanskrit Language and Literature 
  22. Prakrit Language and Literature 
  23. Pali Language and Literature 
  24. Hindi Language and Literature 
  25. Tamil Language and Literature 
  26. Telugu Language and Literature 
  27. Kannada Language and Literature 
  28. Malayalam Language and Literature 
  29. Bengali language and Literature 
  30. Marathi Language and Literature 
  31. Gujarati Language and Literature 
  32. Odia Language and Literature 
  33. Assamese Language and Literature 
  34. Punjabi Language and Literature 
  35. Kashmiri (Kashmir Shaivism) Language and Literature 
  36. Nepali Language and Literature 
  37. Urdu Language and Literature 
  38. Vedic mathematics 
  39. Astrology
  40. Indian Craft System 
  41. Indian Literature 
  42. Indian Mythology 
  43. Indian Law 
  44. Indian ethics 
  45. Indian Logic 
  46. Indian rivers: History and culture

Eligibility and Target Group 

Individuals with an interest in Indian heritage and knowledge systems from different countries are eligible to enrol in courses aimed at acquiring such knowledge. The concerned University/Institution offering these courses may specify particular eligibility criteria.

Programme Levels

The courses will be offered at three levels: introductory, intermediate, and advanced, and eligibility criteria will be established by the university or institution offering the courses. With a hybrid mode of learning, each program is set to have 60 hours, and the respective institutions will have to create the curriculum.

Credit System and Credit Transfer 

Credits obtained through these programs will be acknowledged through the credit transfer system by any Higher Educational Institution (HEI) with relevant modifications via the Academic Bank of Credit (ABC). The credits can be accumulated or redeemed towards academic certification as per the UGC guidelines. However, the HEIs will decide the required credits, educational components, and learning outcomes at the necessary level.


Upon completing each level of the course successfully, learners will receive certificates specified by the Higher Educational Institutions. These certificates will be provided in digital format through the National Academic Depository (NAD) of the Government of India.

The UGC’s move to introduce courses on Indian heritage and culture is in line with the National Education Policy 2020, which emphasises the importance of Indian knowledge systems and culture. Institutions like Delhi University have already started offering courses on Vedic mathematics, ethics, and values in ancient Indian traditions, yoga, ayurveda, and nutrition, among others.

By offering such programs, India hopes to showcase its rich cultural heritage to the world and attract international students who are interested in learning about it. This initiative is also expected to help bridge the gap between the Indian education system and the rest of the world.


Smitha Thomas Head PR and Communication A Seasoned Editor, Writer and Trainer with strong Researching Skills, Great enthusiasm for Academic Trends and Significant Achievements in Corporate Communications and Publishing

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