National Level Faculty Development Programme on OBE at JPM College

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National Level Faculty Development Programme on OBE at JPM College

Mar-24-2023, FDPs

Highlights of the FDP:

  • The FDP sessions delivered through synchronous-asynchronous hybrid mode
  • Live webinars steered the sessions and streamed through multiple channels
  • Hands-on activities through LMS enriched the learning
  • 1100 participants from 450+ institutions


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Resource Persons:

Dr Mendus Jacob:

Professor & Director, MCA, Marian College Kuttikkanam (Autonomous)

A former Director of the School of Applicable Mathematics, MG University and MD & CEO of ipsr solutions limited, Dr Mendus Jacob is an Academician and Entrepreneur with 30+ years of experience and a well-known resource person for FDPs in OBE, NEP and Accreditation.

Dr Sunil Job KA:

Adjunct Faculty, Marian College Kuttikkanam (Autonomous)

An Academician well versed in OBE, a Resource Person for National Conferences and FDPs, and Chief of Academic Solutions, ipsr solutions, Dr Sunil Job KA is a former College Principal with 25+ years of service.

Dr Suresh Namboothiri:

Founder Member, Espoir Technologies Pune.

A Product Development Specialist and sought-after interviewer (interviewed more than 12000 people) for top-level management positions of leading companies, former COO of Tata Motors who was part of the team that developed Tata Indica, India’s first indigenous car with 30+ years of experience.


Deans, HoDs, and Faculty Members from various Higher Education Institutions across the country took part in the session. Around 1100 participants from 450+ institutions participated and benefitted from the session.

FDP – Day 1 (16 February 2023):

The first day of the Online Faculty Development Programme on Outcome Based Education commenced at 7.00 PM on 16 February 2023.

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The inaugural ceremony of the programme began with Dr Sabu Augustine, Principal, JPM College welcoming the audience and Rev Fr Abraham Panikulangara CST, Manager, JPM College giving the felicitation address.

Prof.Dr. Sabu Thomas, Vice Chancellor, MG University inaugurated the session in the presence of various dignitaries.

Dr Sabu Thomas, a full-time professor of Polymer Science and Engineering was the Pro-Vice-Chancellor of Mahatma Gandhi University, Kerala. He has also served as the Director of the School of Chemical Science and as the Hon Director of the International & Inter-University Centre for Nanoscience and Nanotechnology. A fellow of the Royal Society of London, Fulbright Fellow USA, and a Professor at the University of Lorraine Nancy, France, Dr Sabu Thomas hold more than 1000 publications, 60742 citations, and 15 patents to his credit. A recipient of the Best Faculty Research Award in 2018, he is also a Foreign Fellow of the European Academy of Sciences, and a Fellow of the International Association of Advanced Materials Sweden. Cited among the top 2% of Scientists in India by the Stanford University Professors, Dr Sabu Thomas is also the recipient of the Kairali Lifetime Research Award 2021 by the Kerala Government.

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Dr Sabu Augustine Principal, JPM College, Rev Fr Prince Thomas Chakkalayil CST, Vice Principal, JPM College and Rev Fr Abraham Panikulangara, CST, Manager, JPM College.

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Prof Dr Sabu Thomas, Vice Chancellor, MG University, Dr Mendus Jacob & Dr Sunil Job KA (resource persons from ipsr solutions limited)

Dr Mendus Jacob, Professor and Director, Marian College Kuttikkanam (Autonomous) provided an overview of the FDP.

Rev Fr Prince Thomas Chakkalayil CST, Vice Principal, JPM College delivered the Vote of Thanks.

Dr Sunil Job KA conducted an informative educational session based on Bloom’s Taxonomy during the first day of the program.

Inaugural Ceremony – National Level Online Faculty Development Programme on Outcome Based Education.

Bloom’s Taxonomy – Educational Session by Dr Sunil Job KA on Day 1.

A task on ‘Question Paper Analysis based on Bloom’s Taxonomy’ was assigned to the participants to understand their knowledge of the subject.

Day 2 (17 February):

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The highlight of Day 2 was the session on OBE – The Underlying Threads by Dr Suresh Namboothiri, a Product Development Specialist and sought-after interviewer for top-level management positions of leading companies, former COO of Tata Motors who was part of the team that developed Tata Indica, and with 30+ years of experience discussed the need for differentiation in the educational sector and Graduate Attributes.

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OBE – The Underlying Threads – session by Dr Suresh Namboothiri on Day 2 of the National Level FDP Programme on Outcome Based Education.

OBE – The Underlying Threads session by Dr Suresh Namboothiri

Ms Reshma Elizabeth Cherian, HoD – Social Work conveyed the Vote of Thanks.

Day 3 (20 February):

Day 3 started with an informative session by Dr Sunil Job KA on the topic ‘Introduction to OBE, Architecture of OBE and Outcomes’.

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Day 3 – Session by Dr Sunil Job on the topic Introduction to OBE, Architecture of OBE and Outcomes.

After the session, a Padlet task ‘Course Outcome and Quality Check’ was assigned to the participants.

Ms Treesa Joseph, Asst Professor, Department of English delivered the Vote of Thanks.

Day 4 (21 February):

The session started with the topic ‘ Assessment Designs and Mapping of Outcomes’ by Dr Sunil Job KA.

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Day 4 session ‘Assessment Designs and Mapping of Outcomes’ by Dr Sunil Job KA during the National Level FDP on Outcome Based Education.

Ms Anumol Sebastian, Asst Professor, Department of English gave the Vote of Thanks.

Day 5 (22 February):

The session handled by Dr Mendus Jacob briefed about the ‘Analytics Reports and Tools for Accreditation, Calculation of Attainment in OBE’.

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The third task titled ‘Computation Prototype Model’ was assigned to the participants to get familiarized with the automated CO Calculation and Analysis with respect to the target.

An optional task titled ‘Innovative Practices in Teaching and Learning’ was also provided to the participants where they could share a fully composed article or an abstract about the innovative practices adopted in any domain of teaching-learning-related activities.

Day 5 session ‘Analytics Reports and Tools for Accreditation, Calculation of Attainment in OBE’ handled by Dr Mendus Jacob.

In the valedictory function which followed, Ms Priya K, IQAC Coordinator, JPM College, conveyed the Vote of Thanks to all the institute’s resource persons, participants and staff members.

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Mentimeter Feedback:

The feedback received from the participants conveyed the message that the program helped them to gain more knowledge about the concepts of OBE and its implementation.

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Many have expressed their desire to have/include more interactive sessions (question and answer) in between, a valid point which could be taken into consideration in future. Overall, the feedback revealed that the participants were very satisfied with the outcome of the FDP.

Reference Materials:
  1. Prepare your own OBE Manual for your HEI
  2. Institutional Preparedness for NEP 2020 – Comprehensive Checklist for Indian HEIs.
  3. Academic Bank of Credit – New Regulation of UGC
  4. Assessment Practices and Question Banks
  5. Rubrics – A Criterion-Referenced Evaluation Manual for Enhancing Objectivity
  6. White paper on Outcome Based Education
  7. Outcomes-Based Education – How Industry-Academic Collaboration Can Shape the Future of Learning

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