Smitha Thomas


Customer Success Spotlight: RVS College, Coimbatore

A journey begins. In 2019, just before the pandemic started, we were contacted by RVS College regarding OBE implementation. That’s how our relationship with our latest QnSmart i customer began. Our deep expertise, our research insights, and our dedication and focus on helping colleges and universities get geared for today’s education landscape convinced RVS College […]


UGC promotes inclusion of Indian Artists and Artisans in Indian HEIs as ‘Kalagurus’

UGC promotes inclusion of Indian Artists and Artisans in Indian HEIs as ‘Kalagurus’ The University Grants Commission (UGC) has recently proposed a draft regulation that will appoint local artists and artisans in colleges and universities. This initiative aligns with the National Education Policy 2020‘s goal of bridging the gap between higher education and the arts. […]


Understanding India: NEP-aligned Short Term courses on Indian Heritage and Culture

Understanding India: NEP-aligned Short Term courses on Indian Heritage and Culture India is a land of rich heritage and culture, and the University Grants Commission (UGC) has proposed introducing courses that showcase this diversity to attract international students. The UGC has issued draft guidelines for higher educational institutions to offer short-term modular programs on various […]


Demonstrating Value: Enhancing Your NAAC Grade with Add-On Courses

Add-on courses are short-term training programs that are designed to supplement the core curriculum of a degree program. These courses are usually offered as certificate or diploma courses, and they provide students with additional skills and knowledge that are relevant to their field of study. Add-on Courses and the New Curriculum Framework The hallmark of […]


Institutional Preparedness for NEP 2020: A Comprehensive Checklist for Indian Higher Education Institutions

As per the National Education Policy 2020, higher education in India is poised for a transformational change. All Indian HEIs will be expected to achieve a number of milestones to ensure they are fully prepared for the rollout of NEP 2020. This is also a requirement for Accreditation. When trying to get your institution ready […]


Outcomes-Based Education: How Industry-Academic Collaboration Can Shape the Future of Learning

By collaborating with the industry, Higher Education Institutions will be able to easily overcome curricular challenges in terms of preparing students for employability and aligning with NEP goals.  One of the best ways for HEIs to keep their graduating students ahead of the employability curve is to foster effective industry-academic partnerships. Students will gain access […]


A Simple Guide to UGC Academic Bank of Credits

The UGC Academic Bank of Credits has heralded a much-required change in the existing higher education system and will promote customised learning paths for students. The University Grants Commission’s (UGC) Academic Bank of Credits has revolutionised the way we understand higher education in India. Bringing unprecedented democracy to learners, the ABC will create customised learning […]